An update to my work on the Fire Hawks:
Everything so far. Completed: Elam Courbray, Chaplain, Vanguard Squad, Tactical Squad. In progress: Command Squad, Assault Squad, 2 Drop Pods. Primed: Vanguard Squad, Tactical Squad, Terminator Squad, Terminator Assault Squad. Unprimed: Sternguard Squad. Not pictured: Unassembled Drop Pod.
Elam Courbray. Better Picture than the other evening.
Chaplain. Finished him today. Didn't dip him, but used a wash on him. Still needs to be matte sprayed.
Vanguard Squad. Had some blistering when I matte sprayed them, despite having waited FOUR DAYS after I dipped them to spray them. None of the blistering flaked away, and I did some touch-up painting over the bad spots.
Tactical Squad. Were dipped yesterday. Will make some paint touch-ups, then will wait a long time to matte spray them.
They're looking really good. Keep it up!